Lead Test Kit
Determine the safety of your drinking supply when you use a water lead test kit from PurTest®. Our company is a leading name in drinking water test kits for customers throughout the country. Conduct a lead water test at your location today when you order from one of our dealers. Reach out to our team to learn more about our product options. Our lead test includes 2 free copper tests for your convenience.
The Threat of Lead
Was your home or business constructed with lead pipes? Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes installed than newer residences are. While older homes typically have these systems updated, many are still operating the original plumbing setup. These pipes and fixtures make it easy for lead to enter drinking water, leading to a number of health risks.
Lead is a dangerous contaminant that can cause adverse health effects to those who consume it. Because this material can accumulate in the body over time, high exposure to lead is a severe health issue for all ages. By using our products to test your water for lead, you will reduce your risk of contamination.
Detection for All Levels
Our do-it-yourself test kit allows you to screen your water for dangerous levels of lead in drinking water.
The EPA has very specific standards in place for water lead levels. Regulations require action to be taken when lead concentrations reach 15 ppb, as this is the point where health risks can increase with water consumption.
The PurTest® lead test kit can detect dissolved lead at levels below the EPA action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb), with results in 10 minutes!
Contact us to learn more about our test kits. Our products are available online through home improvement stores as well as online dealers.